Early Spring 2016

Pattern #4, Graphic Top

Shown on page 52, instructions begin on page 79.
Updated 04Apr2016

Correction is underlined.

Beg chart
Row 1 (RS)
With A, k17 (23, 29, 35, 41), work 74 sts of chart row 1, with A, k to end.

Pattern #14, Net Poncho

Shown on page 64, instructions begin on page 89.
Updated 24Mar2016

Correction is underlined.

4 mesh sts (1 mesh st = 1 rep of mesh pat) = 5″.

Pattern #19, Deep Rib Tank

Shown on page 70, instructions begin on page 69.
Updated 06Apr2016

Correction is underlined. Larger needles are used only for cast-on.

25 sts and 48 rows = 4″/10cm over pattern st using smaller needles.

Pattern #21, Textured Vest

Shown on page 72, instructions begin on page 97.
Updated 10Mar2016

Instructions for completing the right front were inadvertently omitted. After left front is complete, work as foll:

Join yarn to 22 (23, 25, 26, 27) sts on hold for right front ready to work a RS row.
Dec row (RS) Sl1, pick up loop between last st worked and next st on needle and place on RH needle (does not count as a stitch), k1, ssk, work to end.
Next row (WS) Work to loop and ptog with last st.
Rep last 2 rows 12 (13, 13, 13, 13) times more—9 (9, 11, 12, 13) sts. Work even in pat until armhole measures same as left front to shoulder, end with a WS row. Bind off rem sts.