Fall 1999

Pattern #13

Row 2
 Work 2 sts tog, work twisted rib to last st, inc 1 st in rib in last st.
Work 1 row even.
Rep these 2 rows for bias neck band ntil piece fits around entire neck edge.

Pattern #16

raglan armhole shaping 

[Work dec row 1. Next row P3, work to last 3 sts, p3] 0 (3, 4, 3, 4) times.
[Work dec row 2. Next row P3, work to last 3 sts, p3]……………

Pattern #26

Armhole shaping
Beg chart 

Cont to work sts each side of chart with C instead of MC until all rows of chart have been worked. Cont to work all sts with C until armhole……..
With smaller needles and A, cast on 54 sts. Work 16 rows St st, then work in k2, p2, rib for 12 rows. Change to larger needles.

Patterns #28 and #31

The schematics for these two patterns were switched. The schematic for pattern #28 appears under pattern #31 on page 108. 
The schematic for pattern #31 appears under pattern #28 on page 106.

Pattern #32

Corrections are underlined
Beg charts
Row 1 (RS)
………., then work sts 1 to 21 of chart I 0 (0, 1) time, sts 22 to 42 of chart II once, ……..
Next row (RS)
 K2, beg with st 7 of cable/rib pat, work through 11, work sts 1 to 11 three times, work sts 1 to 7 once, k2.

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