COVER WRAP: Lion Brand Cape
Cast on 86 sts.
Garter st border
Rows 1 and 2 Knit.
Row 3 (RS) K15, inc 1 st in next st, k to last 16 sts, inc 1 st in next st, k 15 – 88 sts.
Row 4 Knit.
Rows 5 and 6 Rep rows 3 and 4—90 sts.
Rep rows 1-6 four times more—106 sts and piece is approx 5″ from cast on row.
Cape body—st st with garter border
Next row (RS) K15, inc 1 st in next st, k across to last 16 sts, inc 1 st in next st, k15.
Next row K15, purl across to last 15 sts, k15.
Rep these 2 rows (now working St st inside the 15-st garter border) until there are 146 sts.
Cont to work even in garter st border and st st body until piece measure 17” from beg, end with a WS row. Work remainder of pattern as in original directions.
Pattern #17
Row 2 K1, *p2, yo, p2tog, k1, [p1 tbl, k2] 4 times, p1 tbl, k1, p2tog tbl, yo, p1; rep from *, end k1.
Row 5 K1, *[k1, yo, k2tog tbl] twice, p1, [k1 tbl, p2] twice, k1 tbl, p1, k2tog, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k2; rep from *, end k1.
Pattern #20
Download pattern chart. [PDF 21KB]Pattern #22, Zippered Jacket
photo on page 79, instructions begin on page 116
Updated: 17Nov2011
Changes are underlined.
Left front
Cast on …..
Rep row 2 for 3″/7.5cm, dec 10 (10, 9, 9) sts evenly across last WS row (working k2tog into the k sts same as back) – 33 (35, 38, 40) sts.
Right front
Cast on …..
Rep row 2 for 3″/7.5cm, dec 10 (10, 9, 9) sts evenly across last WS row – 33 (35, 38, 40) sts.
Pattern #31
Armhole Shaping
Rep dec row 4 (4, 5, 8, 9) times more.
Pattern #32, Felted Rose Bag
pages 127-128
Correct needle size is US 19 (15mm)
Knitted measurements
Before felting…
After felting…
With B cast on, 10 sts………Work even for 12”/30.5cm.