Winter 2010/11

Nancy Marchant’s “It Takes Two”

Pages 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47.
Updated: 01Mar2011

1. Page 38
In the terminology section, the decreases should be as follows:
• brLsl dec (a 2-stitch decrease that slants to the left) = slip the first stitch knitwise, brk the following two stitches together, pass the slipped stitch over.
• brRsl dec (a 2-stitch decrease that slants to the right) = slip the first stitch knitwise, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over, place stitch on left-hand needle and pass the following stitch over it, place the stitch back on right-hand needle.

2. Page 42
Chart Symbols for Brioche Stitch Patterns – “slip1purlwise” should NOT be followed by “wyib.”

3. Pages 42 and 44
In the instructions for the “S-Twist Brioche Stitch” and the “S-and Z-Twist Brioche Stitch,” Rows 4 should read:
• Row 4 DS LC: Rep Row 2 DS LC.
• Row 4 DS DC: Rep Row 2 DS DC.

Pattern #2, Women’s Cabled Top

Photo on page 51, instructions begin on page 81.
Updated: 11Feb2011

Correction is underlined.

Garment is worked with yarn held double throughout.
The amount of yarn required remains the same.

Pattern #7, Cabled Hat

Photo on page 55, instructions begin on page 85.
Updated: 10Feb2012

Correction is underlined.


Chart 1

A clarification of Rows 1 and 11 (rnd 1 should be changed to row 1) –
Row 1 K1 to repeat line, work 12-sts between red repeat lines 3 times, work last 13 sts of chart.
Row 11 K3 to repeat line, work 12-sts between red repeat lines 3 times, work last 11 sts of chart.
There will be 4 diamonds centered on each flap.

Back (Front) flap trim
Please note that the directions for the Back flap trim are followed by the directions for the Front flap trim in parenthesis, in the same manner as st counts for different sizes. The phrase (beg at marker) does not apply to the Back flap trim, just the Front flap trim as it is in parenthesis.

The widest part of a full diamond is row 11 of the FIRST rep of the 22-row chart.

Work into fabric by holding yarn on WS of work, and in same manner as picking up a st, insert point of knitting needle from RS through center of a st in knitted work, and pick up loop of yarn – 1 st picked up.

Correction is underlined.

Beg chart 1
Rnd 1 should be changed to row 1.

Front flap trim

Place markers 1½”/4cm down from bound-off edge on each side.

Place 4 markers along one edge of horizontal cable to divide it into 5 equal sections of approx 4 ¼”/10.5cm each. Join ends, sewing seam.

Mark seam….Place markers 6½”/16.5cm from each side of center back marker. Place untrimmed, bound-off edge of back flap between these 2 markers with both RS facing, centering at back center marker. Sew flap to to band.

Pattern #13, Hooded Jacket

Photo on page 61, instructions begin on page 92.
Updated: 01Feb2011

Correction is underlined.

Cast on……
Cont to dec 4 sts in this manner on next row, then every 10th row 12 times more – 81 ( 91, 101, 111, 121) sts.

Pattern #21, Two-Color Rib Cardi

Photo on page 68, instructions begin on page 100. Chart on page 101.
Updated: 30Dec2010


Revised charts have been made available.
Chart A (Revised) [PDF 33K]
Chart C (Revised) [PDF 37K]
Chart D (Revised) [PDF 176K]

Pattern #22, Graphic Wrap

Photo on page 69, instruction on page 102.on page 101.
Updated: 22Feb2011

The wrap is made up of 12 different strips, the beginning of each strip is indicated in the diagram by the Lower edge triangles and Right side triangles with red arrows. Each Lower edge triangle and Right side triangle begins with 1 st, increasing to 20 sts. The numbered white squares indicate the sequence of 26-row color pats to be worked over these 20 sts. Upper edge triangles and left side triangles are worked at the end of each strip over 20 sts, decreasing to 1 st.

Pattern #26, Twinkle Coat Dress

Photo on page 73, instructions begin on page 105.
Updated: 16Feb2011

Correction is underlined.

Begin chart patterns
Row 1 (RS)strong> P14, ….. pm, p14.

Pattern #28, Horizontal Cables

Photo on page 75, instructions begin on page 107.
Updated: 24Aug2015

Correction is underlined.

Body, Beg chart pat
Row 1
Delete ‘Cont in pat as’ at end of row.
Row 2 P1, p10, [work row 2 of chart] 3 times, p1.

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