Winter 2016/17

Pattern #1, Asymmetrical Turtleneck

Photo on pages 44 and 45, instructions begin on page 75.
Updated: 16Jan2018

Corrections are underlined.

If working from original chart:

Right Front, Beg chart pat
Set up row (WS) P17 (20, 23, 26, 29) sts, pm, work sts 12-1 of chart 2 (from left to right), work the 18-st rep of chart 1 twice (from left to right), work sts 28–11 of chart 2, pm, [p1tbl, k1tbl] 3 times, p1tbl, k1.

Row 1 (RS) Rib 8, sl marker, work sts 11–28 of chart 2, work the 18-st rep of chart 1 twice, work sts 1–12 of chart 2, sl marker, k to end.

Alternatively, work from front chart posted here, as follows:

Set up row (WS) P17 (20, 23, 26, 29) sts, pm, work set up row to rep line, work 18-st rep twice, work to end of chart, pm, [p1tbl, k1tbl] 3 times, p1tbl, k1.
Row 1 (RS) Rib 8, sl marker, work to rep line, work 18-st rep twice, work to end of chart, sl marker, k to end.

Pattern #3, Aran Cabled Dress

Photo on page 47, instructions begin on page 79.
Updated: 28Dec2017

Correction is underlined.

In row 5 of Small/Medium Chart 2, the first 3-st LT should be shifted 1 st to the right.

Pattern #8, Multi-Cable Pullover

Photo on pages 52 and 53, instructions begin on page 88.
Updated: 18Jan2017

A corrected Chart 1 is posted here. Corrected Side Panel Charts 1 and 2 are posted here, with an additional chart, Side Panel Chart 3.

Corrections are underlined.

Side Panels
When 3″ of rib is complete:
Next row (RS) P2, *sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, p2, k2, then k2 from cn, p2; rep between *’s 2 (3) times more, M1 purl, 6-st LC, p1, M1 purl, p1, 6-st RC, M1 purl, p2, **sl 4 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, then k2, p2 from cn, p2**; rep between *’s 2 (3) times more—69 (85) sts.

Next row (WS) K2, **k2, p4, k2**; rep between **’s 2 (3) times more, k1, p6, k3, p6, k1, rep between **’s 3 (4) times more, k2.

Beg side panel charts
Row 1 (RS) P2, work side panel chart 1 to rep line, work 8-st rep 1 (2) times, work to end of chart, pm, work 17 sts of side panel chart 2 (this is center of panel), pm, work side panel chart 3 to rep line, work 8-st rep 1 (2) times, work to end of chart, p2.

…work rep sts in side panel charts as established until piece measures 15″/38cm from beg, end with a WS row.

Shoulder shaping
Bind off from each shoulder (inner) edge…

Pattern #9, Hi Lo Sweater

Photo on page 56, instructions begin on page 89.
Updated: 18Jan2017

Under Gauge, yarn should be Galway Sport as noted under Materials, not Galway Worsted. Yarn symbol should be a 3, not a 4.

Pattern #20, Argyle Vest

Photo on page 71, instructions on page 106.
Updated: 19Feb2019

Corrections is underlined.

After first 2 rows under Beg chart 2:
…dec 1 st each side on next row, then every other row 2 (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) times more, then work even through row 34 of chart.

Pattern #21, Colorwork Beanie

Photo on page 72, instructions begin on page 107.
Updated: 18Jan2017

Corrections are underlined.

In chart Color Key, B and C are reversed. Key should read as follows:

Tourmaline (C)
Verdigris (B)

Pattern #23, Aran Pullover

Photo on page 112, instructions begin on page 108.
Updated: 18Jan2017

Work Row 5 for Right and Left 5-st Cables as foll:

Row 5 LT, k1, RT.