
  • bind off Used to finish an edge or segment. Lift the first stitch over the second, the second over the third, etc. (U.K.: cast off)
    • bind off in ribbing Work in ribbing as you bind off. (Knit the knit stitches, purl the purl stitches.) (U.K.: cast off in ribbing)
    • 3-needle bind-off With the right side of the two pieces facing and the needles parallel, insert a third needle into the first stitch on each needle and knit them together. Knit the next two stitches the same way. Slip the first stitch on the third needle over the second stitch and off the needle. Repeat for three-needle bind-off.
  • cast on Placing a foundation row of stitches on the needle in order to begin knitting.
  • decreasing (left slanting) Reduce the stitches in a row (that is, slip, slip, knit).
  • decreasing (right slanting) Reduce the stitches in a row (that is, knit 2 together).
  • garter stitch Knit every row. Circular knitting: knit one round, then purl one round.
  • increase Add stitches in a row (that is, knit in front and back of stitch).
  • knitwise Insert the needle into the stitch as if you were going to knit it.
  • make one With the needle tip, lift the strand between the last stitch knit and the next stitch on the left-hand needle and knit into back of it. One knit stitch has been added.
  • make one p-st With the needle tip, lift the strand between the last stitch worked and the next stitch on the left-hand needle and purl it. One purl stitch has been added.
  • no stitch On some charts, “no stitch” is indicated with shaded spaces where stitches have been decreased or not yet made. In such cases, work the stitches of the chart, skipping over the “no stitch” spaces.
  • place markers Place or attach a loop of contrast yarn or purchased stitch marker as indicated.
  • pick up and knit (purl) Knit (or purl) into the loops along an edge.
  • purlwise Insert the needle into the stitch as if you were going to purl it.
  • reverse-stockinette stitch Purl right-side rows, knit wrong-side rows. Circular knitting: purl all rounds. (U.K.: reverse stocking stitch)
  • selvage stitch Edge stitch that helps make seaming easier.
  • slip, slip, knit Slip next two stitches knitwise, one at a time, to right-hand needle. Insert tip of left-hand needle into fronts of these stitches, from left to right. Knit them together. One stitch has been decreased.
  • slip, slip, slip, knit Slip next three stitches knitwise, one at a time, to right-hand needle. Insert tip of left-hand needle into fronts of these stitches, from left to right. Knit them together. Two stitches have been decreased.
  • slip stitch An unworked stitch made by passing a stitch from the left-hand to the right-hand needle as if to purl.
  • stockinette stitch Knit right-side rows, purl wrong-side rows. Circular knitting: knit all rounds. (U.K.: stocking stitch)
  • work even Continue in pattern without increasing or decreasing. (U.K.: work straight)
  • yarn over Making a new stitch by wrapping the yarn over the right-hand needle. (U.K.: yfwd, yon, yrn)