Holiday 2011

Pattern #1, Aran Pullover

Photo on page 58, instructions begin on page 88.
Updated: 15Dec2011

Correction is underlined.

Beg chart #1 Row 1…….Cont in pat as established through chart row 25. K 2 rows. K next row…..

Pattern #5, Cabled Dress

Photo on page 62, instructions begin on page 92.
Updated: 11Nov2011

Correction is underlined.


Delete notes 3, 4 & 5. Instead, work these dec cables as described in the Stitch Key on the Front Chart.

Replace these 3 rows with the following –

Beg chart pat

Row 1 (RS) K1, [k2, p4] 2 (3) times, work chart row 1 to marker, sl marker, [k2, p4] twice, k4, p4, A, p4, k2, p4, A, [p4, k2] 3 (4) times, k1.

Row (dec) 17 (RS) K1, [k2, p4] 2 (3) times, work chart row to marker, sl marker, [k2, p4] twice, k4, p3, k2tog, p1, k1, p4, k2, p4, A, p3, k2tog, k1, [p4, k2] 2 (3) times, k1 – 134 (146) sts.

Row (dec) 33 (RS) K1, [k2, p4] 2 (3) times, work chart row to marker, sl marker, k2, p3, k2tog, k1, p4, k4, p3, A, p4, k2, p3, k2tog, p1, k1, p3, [k2, p4] 2 (3) times, k3 – 130(142) sts.

Rows 81 and 97 When instructed to rib 11(17) and to rib to end, work even over knit and purl sts as established in previous rows.

Related Charts:
Front Chart (rows 1-68) [PDF 45K]
Front Chart (rows 69-136) [PDF 49K]
Front Chart (rows 137-184) [PDF 45K]
Front Chart (rows 185-250) [PDF 37K]
Stitch Key [PDF 266K]

Pattern #13, Structured Jacket

Photo on page 69, instructions begin on page 99.
Updated: 24Apr2012

Corrections are underlined.


1. Cast on 5 sts….k20 for front peplum.
Work 4 (8, 4, 8, 2) rows even, end with a WS row.

2. Short row sequence
Short row 6
K5, w&t, k to end.
Next row (WS) K20, sm, work linen st waistband, sm, p to next marker, sm, work linen st waistband, k20.

Pattern #19, Oversized Cable Top

Photo on page 74, instructions begin on page 105.
Updated: 03Oct2013

Replace text between Beg chart and side shaping and Armhole Shaping with the foll:

Inc row 15 (RS) P2, sl 2 sts to cn and hold to front, [kfb] 3 times, k1, k2 from cn, work 38-st rep of chart row 15 three times across, rep rows 1–8 for eyelet panel once more, sl 4 sts to cn and hold to back, k2, ([kfb] 3 times, k1) from cn, p2—144 sts.

Cont to work 38-st rep of chart 3 times across and rep eyelet panel once more as established through row 30, AT SAME TIME, work even on 11 sts each side of chart as foll:

Rows 17 and 19 (RS) P2, k9, work chart as established, k9, p2.
Row 18 and all WS rows Work even.
Row 21 (RS) P2, 3/2 LC (sl 3 sts to cn and hold to front, k2, k3 from cn), k4, work chart as established, k4, 3/2 RC (sl 2 sts to cn and hold to back, k3, k2 from cn), p2.
Row 23 P2, k2, 3/2 LC, k2, work chart as established, k2, 3/2 RC, k2, p2.
Row 25 P2, k4, 3/2 LC, work chart as established, 3/2 RC, k4, p2.
Rows 27 and 29 P2, k9, work chart as established, k9, p2.
Row 30 Work even.

Next (inc) row (RS) P2, sl 4 sts to cn and hold to front, [kfb] twice, k4 from cn, k3, work row 15 of chart as established, k3, sl 2 sts and hold to back, k4, [kfb] 2 sts from cn, p2—148 sts.
Next and all WS rows Work even.
Next (inc) row (RS) P2, k2, sl 4 sts to cn and hold to front, [kfb] twice, k4 from cn, k3, work row 17 of chart as established, k3, sl 2 sts and hold to back, k4, [kfb] 2 sts from cn, k2, p2—152 sts.
Next (inc) row (RS) P2, k4, Inc LC, k4, work row 19 of chart as established, k4, Inc RC, k4, p2—154 sts.
The edge sts will now be worked in chart pat as foll:
Next row (RS) Work rows 23-38 of chart row 21, work chart row 21 as established, work sts 9-24 of chart row 21.
Cont to foll chart in this manner until chart row 30 is complete, then rep rows 15–30 as established until piece measures 16″/40.5cm from beg.

Pattern #20, Poncho

Photo on page 75, instructions begin on page 107.
Updated: 22Dec2011

Changes are underlined.

The RS and WS instructions for the Broken Rib Stitch (in rows ONLY) and for Basketweave Pattern were mistakenly reversed. Both sides of Poncho are attractive, but to make the poncho as it appears in the photo on page 75, work AS WRITTEN to Inner darts, but end with row 7. Work row 8 as the Next row, placing markers and beginning the decreases. The decreases are now worked on even-numbered pattern rows and yarn is slipped on odd-numbered pattern rows. When knitting is done, place sides with even-numbered rows tog. Sew bound-off edges of front and back tog for shoulder/sleeve seams, leaving neck open. Turn poncho inside-out, with seam on the WS and even-numbered sides as RS of poncho. With RS of poncho facing, pick up sts for collar and work rnd 1 of Broken Rib Stitch (in rnds) as directed in the instructions.

Pattern #21, Arm Warmers

Photo on page 76, instructions begin on page 108.
Updated: 15Nov2011

Please add the following to the end of the printed pattern.

Fold arm warmer in half at the thumb opening. With lighter weight yarn, sew side seam.

Pattern #26, Tri-Set Sweater

Photo on page 80, instructions begin on page 112.
Updated: 09Dec2011

Weight given for each skein in MATERIALS sections is incorrect, but the yarn amounts and yardage are correct.

See correction below:

9 (9, 11, 12, 13, 14) 1¾ oz/50g skeins (each approx 130yd/119m) of Rowan/Westminster Fibers British Sheep Breeds DK Undyed (wool) in #784 bluefaced leicester grey suffolk.

Pattern #28 Textured Jacket

Photo on page 81, instructions begin on page 114.
Updated: 15Jan2021

Correction is underlined.

1. MATERIALS has incorrect yarn weight and yardage.

Please replace with the following:
15 (19, 23) 1¾/50g hanks (each approx 100yd/92m) of Mountain Top by Classic Elite Yarns Vista.

2. CHART 1
Row 28
The first 2 symbols of the row (Rev st st and St st) should be reversed so that the St st is directly below the MB on Row 29.

3. Chart 3 should be used for Left Front and Chart 2 should be used for Right Front.

4. In Row 40 of Charts 2 and 3, the 3 sts above the cable in Row 39 should be knit, purl, knit. In Row 42 of Chart 2, the 14th st should be a knit st. In Row 42 of Chart 3, the 4th st should be a knit st. In Row 60 of Chart 2, there should be 2 purls after the 5 symbol, in Row 60 of Chart 3, there should be 2 purls before the 5 symbol.

Pattern #31 Lace Wrap

Photo on page 84, instructions begin on page 118.
Updated: 21Aug2013

Remove the SK2P from row 3 of the 2nd 20-st rep of chart 3 and replace it with a knit.