Winter 2011/12

Pattern #2, Cabled Poncho

photo on page 50, instructions begin on page 80.
Updated: 29Nov2016

Corrections are underlined.

The following replaces the entire Beg cable chart section. It clarifies how to work the 8-row chart reps AT THE SAME TIME as you work the shaping sequence. It also corrects the number of increases and st counts.

Row 1 (RS) Cast on 3 sts, and working over these 3 sts, beg with chart A row 1 st 1 and work to the rep line (3 sts), work the 13-st rep 5 times (65 sts), work to end of chart A (5 sts), pm, k3, pm, beg with chart B row 1 st 1 and work to the rep line (2 sts), work the 13-st rep 5 times (65 sts), work to end of chart B (6 sts) – 149 sts (73 sts each side of center 3 sts).

Row 2 Work even foll row 2 of each established chart with center 3 sts worked as p3 on this and every WS row.

Cont to work 8-row reps of Chart A and Chart B AT THE SAME TIME work increase rows as foll:

*Next (inc) row (RS) Work chart A to marker, M1 in chart pat, sl marker (sm), k3, sm, M1 in chart pat, work chart B to end – 2 sts inc’d.

Next row (WS) Work even.

Next (inc) row (RS) Work chart A to marker, M1 in chart pat, sm, k3, sm, M1 in chart pat, work chart B to end – 2 sts inc’d.

Next (inc) row (WS) Work chart B to marker, M1 in chart pat, sm, p3, sm, M1 in chart pat, work chart A to end – 2 sts inc’d.

Rep from * 20 (25) times more, working increased sts in chart pats – 275 (305)sts.

Size Small/Large only
Next (inc) row (RS)
Work chart A to marker, M1 in chart pat, sm, k3, sm, M1 in chart pat, work chart B to end.

Next row (WS) Work even.

Next (inc) row (RS) Work chart A to marker, M1 in chart pat, sm, k3, sm, M1 in chart pat, work chart B to end – 279 sts.

Size X-Large/1X only
Next row (RS)
Work even.

There are 138 (151) sts and 10 (11) cable reps on EACH side of center 3 sts – 279 (305) sts.

Both sizes Continue to follow pattern as written from the beg of Neck opening.

Patterns #6 and #7, Pillows

Photo on page 52, instructions begin on page 83.
Updated: 03Jan2012

The four photos should have been numbered in clockwise fashion, which means the 2 photos at the bottom of the page have the wrong number.

The photo in the lower right (inner) corner of the taupe pillow in Trinity St should be labeled as #6 to coordinate with #6 instructions on page 83. The description of the pattern is incorrect, the pillow is worked in Trinity St, not Pebble St.

The photo in the lower left (outer) corner of the gray pillow in Daisy St should be labeled as #7, to coordinate with #7 instructions on page 83.

Pattern #8, Cap Sleeve Tunic

Photo on page 53, instructions on page 83.
Updated: 02Dec2013

1. A corrected chart has been posted. [PDF 35KB]

2. Corrections are underlined.

Armhole shaping
After shaping, there are 4 (5, 6, 7, 9, 11) sts on each side of chart sts.
Neck shaping
Row 7 Rep dec row 1—18 (19, 20, 22, 24, 26) sts rem each side.
Shoulder shaping
Bind off from each shoulder edge 2 (0, 1, 2, 2, 4) sts once, work as written to end.

Pattern #10, Lace Edge Blanket

Photo on page 55, instructions begin on page 86.
Updated: 20Jun2012

Corrections are underlined.

EDGING (make 2 strips)
Cast on 253 sts.
Beg chart
Row 1 (RS) Work first st of chart, then work 18-st rep 14 times across. Cont to foll chart in this manner until row 11 is complete – 197 sts.

Continue in pattern until-

With RS of blanket facing and worsted weight yarn, beg at center of one side edge and sew the bound-off edge of 1 edging strip along blanket edge. Sew second strip in same way. Sew ends of edging strips tog.

Pattern #14, Cabled Cardi and Scarf

Photo on page 59, instructions begin on page 89.
Updated: 21Mar2012

The scarf should be made in 2 identical pieces, which begin with short rows, establishing the points at the cast-on ends. When each half measures 30″/76cm from Row 1 of the chart, they are joined with 3-needle bind-off, the folded in half and partially sewn along neck edge.

page 90, Replace the SCARF and FINISHING sections with the following:

SCARF (make 2)
Cast on 45 sts. K 4 rows.

Short row points
Work first point at the beg of RS rows as foll:
Short row 1 K4, w&t, k4.
Note Be sure to hide each wrap by working it tog with the corresponding st as you work across.
Short row 2 K8, w&t, k8.
Short row 3 K12, w&t, k2, p1, k9.
Short row 4 K16, w&t, p3, k3, p1, k9.
Short row 5 K20, w&t, k1, p6, k3, p1, k9.
Next row (RS) Knit 1 row over all sts, hiding any remaining wraps.

Work second point at the beg of WS rows as foll:
Short row 1 K4, w&t, k4.
Short row 2 K8, w&t, k8.
Short row 3 K9, p1, k2, w&t, k12.
Short row 4 K9, p1, k3, p3, w&t, k16.
Short row 5 K9, p1, k3, p6, k1, w&t, k20.
Work over all sts as foll, hiding any remaining wraps:
Next row (WS) K9, p1, [k3, p6, k3, p1] twice, k9.

Beg pats
Row 1 (RS) K6, beg with st 9 and row 1 of chart, work to rep, work 13-st rep twice, work sts 25-28, k6.
Row 2 (WS) P1, k5, work row 2 of chart as established to last 6 sts, k5, p1.
Cont in pats as established until piece measures 3½”/9cm from beg.
Dec row (RS) Work 7 sts, k2tog, work to last 9 sts, k2tog, work 7 sts—43 sts.
*Work 9 rows even.
Dec row (RS) Work 6 sts, k2tog, work to last 8 sts, k2tog, work 6 sts—41 sts. Work 11 rows even.
Dec row (RS) Work 5 sts, k2tog, work to last 7 sts, k2tog, work 5 sts—39 sts.*
Rep between *’s (working 1 less st before and after decs every dec row) twice more—31 sts.
Work even in pats until piece measures 30″/76cm from Row 1 of the chart, end with a row 2. Place sts on holder.
Work other half of scarf in same way. Join the 2 halves of scarf with 3-needle bind-off, knitting all sts. Mark center 18″/45.5cm of scarf.

Block pieces lightly to measurements. Sew shoulder seams. Sew garter st border to back neck and sew center seam.
Set in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. Fold sleeve cuffs to RS and tack in place. Sew pocket seams.
Collar finishing
Fold collar in half along center purl st, sew partially closed on each side from lower edge to marker, leaving center 18″/45.5cm unsewn. Sew cast-on edges at each end tog, forming point.
Fold center 18″/45.5cm of scarf in half around neck edge, covering garter stitch border. Sew center 15″/38cm of scarf to neck edge from right and wrong sides, leaving 1½”/4cm unsewn on each side of center scarf.

Pattern #15, Cable Front Capelet

Photo on page 60, instructions begin on page 90.
Updated: 31Jan2012

Corrections are underlined.

1. Stitch key for Charts 1 and 2:
3-st RT should read 3-st RC
3-st LT should read 3-st LC

With smaller needles, …
Row 2 (WS) [K1, p1] twice, k4, *p3, k3; rep from * end p0 (3, 0), p2 (k2, p2).
Continue pattern as written until…

Beg chart 1
Dec row 1 (RS) …
Row 4
Rep row 2.

Cont in this manner to work rows 1-8 of chart 1 to the completion of the front AT THE SAME TIME rep these Dec rows 1-4 for 12 (13, 12) times more – 17 (19, 23) sts.

Next row (RS) Rep ……..
Continue pattern as written until….

Row 1 (RS)
K2, p1, k1, p4, *k3, p3; rep from *, end k0 (3, 0), k2 (p2, k2).
Cont in established rib for 8 rows more.

Beg chart 2
Dec row 1 (RS)
Row 4 Rep row 2.

Cont in this manner to work rows 1-8 of chart 2 to the completion of the front AT THE SAME TIME rep these Dec rows 1-4 for 12 (13, 12) times more – 17 (19, 23) sts.

Next row (RS) Rep ……..
Continue pattern as written.

Pattern #16, Buttoned Cape

Photo on page 61, instructions begin on page 92.
Updated: 13Feb2017

Corrections are underlined.

16 sts and 24 rows = 4″ 10cm over double seed st using size 9 (5.5cm) needles

With smaller needles, cast on 125 (137, 143) sts.

Work in rib as foll:

Row 1 (RS) K4, *p3, k3; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 2 K the knit sts and p the purl sts.
Cont in rib as established until piece measures 2 ½ (3, 3)”/6.5 (7.5, 7.5)cm from beg, dec 0 (4, 2) sts evenly across last row- 125 (133, 141) sts. Change to larger needles.

Note that left front chart note also applies to back cable, work rows 1–14 of chart once, then cont to rep rows 3–14 for chart pat.

Pattern #17, Cabled Cape

Photo on page 62, instructions begin on page 93.
Updated: 13Sep2013

1. A corrected chart has been provided. [30KB PDF]

2. Corrections are underlined.

Next row (WS)
K11, [SKP, k10] 3 times, SKP, k3, cont 12 sts in cable pat, k3, [k2tog, k10] 3 times, k2tog, k11—108 sts.

Work as written to 3rd shaping row:

Next row (WS) K9, [SKP, k8] 3 times, SKP, k3, cont 12 sts in cable pat, k3, [k2tog, k8] 3 times, k2tog, k9—92 sts. Work 9 rows even.

Work as written to 5th shaping row:

Next row (WS) K7, [SKP, k6] 3 times, SKP, k3, cont 12 sts in cable pat, k3, [k2tog, k6] 3 times, k2tog, k7—76 sts. Work 7 rows even.
Next row (WS) K2, [SKP, k3] 5 times, SKP, k3, cont 12 sts in cable pat, k3, [k2tog, k3] 5 times, k2tog, k2—64 sts. Work 7 rows even.

Pattern #28, Ribbed Sweater

Photo on page 70, instructions begin on page 102.
Updated: 19Jan2012

Correction is underlined.

With larger circular needle…
Beg mistake rib and work even until piece measures 6½”/ 16.5cm from beg, end with row 2.

Pattern #31, Turban

Photo on page 73, instructions begin on page 105.
Updated: 28Mar2012

Correction to inc row as foll, change is underlined.

Next (inc) row (RS) Work to 1 st before center st, inc 1 st in pat, k center st, inc 1 st in pat, work to end – 27 sts.

Pattern #33, Buttoned Skirt

Photo on page 76, instructions on page 107.
Updated: 28Feb2013

Correction is underlined.

1. Cast on 78sts.

2. Please delete Row 25 (WS), it was included in error. Work chart rows 1 – 24 as directed.

3. A revised chart has been posted. Click here to download. [PDF 25KB]

Pattern #34, Fringed Skirt

Photo on page 77, instructions begin on page 107.
Updated: 18May2012

Correction is underlined.

Beg short-row shaping

Work row 3 of half linen st on Rows 3, 7 and 11.